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Noticed to our Valued Customer

We understand how frustrating it can be to face challenges when trying to fill a prescription. Please know that we empathize deeply with these difficulties and wish we could resolve every issue directly on your behalf. If we had the ability to address these matters ourselves, it would streamline the process for everyone involved. 

However, our access and purview are limited. Many issues—such as prior authorizations, coverage denials, deductibles, high co-pays, or claim rejections—are ultimately controlled by your health plan. To address these challenges, the best course of action is to contact your health plan directly, as they are responsible for guiding you through these processes and advocating for your health. 

We also recognize that not all health plans operate equally. If your concerns are not being resolved in a timely manner and you feel your health is at risk, we strongly recommend reaching out to the Department of Financial Services (DFS) to report your circumstances. The DFS can assist in advocating for your needs and seeking intervention to expedite the process. You can file a complaint directly with DFS at:

If you feel your current health plan is no longer meeting your needs, it may also be worth consulting with a broker to explore other plan options that better align with your healthcare requirements.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to do our best to support you through these challenges. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any further questions.

Esco Pharmacy

Your Partner in Health